Friday, March 25, 2011

Affirmation from a candy wrapper

Sometimes, when I hear Christian people talk about hearing the voice of God, I feel awkwardly left out and distinctly less righteous than present company. They throw out phrases like, "And then God told me..." or "God spoke on such and such day and said..." and I am left to wonder why God does not direct His megaphone my way or, at the very least, give me some semblance of a hint.  "Am I doing something wrong?" I start to wonder. And then a whole slew of doubts come in, and I begin to question my direction, my ability, my goal, my journey, myself, and my God.

And maybe the most ironic part is that it's not like He hasn't provided in the past. It's not like I am not a walking miracle and my life is not filled with so many incidents that could only have happened by His hand. It isn't like He would let me go down some path only to tell me, after I'd labored down the road, that I heard wrong. I refuse to believe God is that sadistic. 

To make a long story short, I continually doubt my ability to graduate with a biomedical engineering and pre-med degree in four years. I doubt my ability to graduate with a GPA above 3.5 even more. And the dream I have of going to med-school continues to struggle on that fine line between dream and goal because I am too afraid to make it a goal and never reach it. I had a particularly discouraging day on Thursday, and I was so ready to just quit. Give up. Stop fighting to hack it in a field that I just am not talented in. Stop fighting so hard to learn material that I don't really care about and certainly do not intuitively lean towards that line of thinking. It carried over into today, and this morning, as I was praying, I was mulling the idea of my predicament. I was stressed. I was afraid. I was bummed. And I was discouraged. And I didn't necessarily expect God to get out the pom-pom's and tell me I was awesome and was going to rock the path I was on, but I was kind've hoping for something audible. Having a stranger bust into my room and claim prophetic words of affirmation on me would've done it, nothing big, you know. Heck, I'd settle for someone just telling me I'm doing the right thing. Going the right way. Hearing correctly. But I got nothing. Silence. I was frustrated. I knew God was probably saying something, but I was too dumb, too distracted, too busy, too worried, too something to catch it. I was missing His voice again. Figures. Can't expect Him to continually make exceptions for His slower children. 

 So, sighing, I raised my head to start another day, a little down that I hadn't heard Him. I was resolved to continue going, because I hadn't heard Him say otherwise, but I was still wondering if I was even where I was supposed to be. Where He wanted me. Where I was called. And as my gaze hit my computer, it continued up the wall, where I had taped a dove candy wrapper some weeks before. 

What did it say?
"You are exactly where you are supposed to be." 

....yeah right

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