Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I feel like my professors think I'm obnoxious

I went in to see my circuits 2 professor today because I do not understand Fourier Analysis nor Fourier Transforms. I mean, come on, I took differential equations from a little old Afghani man  last summer, I don't remember anything from that class except that American women's questions are not worth quite as much as men's and that foreign people can't pronounce "Bernoulli's Equation" to save their life.

Not that I, like, hold a grudge or anything.

So anyways, I went in to see my professor (Who is a Honduran National and has the coolest accent ever) around 2. He had apparently forgotten (whether on purpose or accidentally, I don't know) that we had an appointment, because he got this worried, stressed look on his face when he came strolling down the hall only to find me standing outside his door like an expectant puppy dog.

"Oh, hello Alysa (he says Ah-lee-sah). Did you...uh...have some questions for me?"
To which I was like "Oh yes Mr. Ortiz, I was so confused on the trigonometric form of the Fourier series and then when you combined everything into one Cn function I had no idea how to find the spectral lines or even how to convert into Euler's identity....blah blah blah blah blah"
So I babbled on, and he got that glazed over look he always does when I opened my mouth (And I wish I could blame this on the language barrier except that I've noticed this disturbing trend in some of my friends as well) and I swear he was thinking "these homeschooled Americans are SO weird, I wonder if I throw her a treat will she chase it and give me enough time to barricade myself in my office?"

I rambled on until I had to stop to take a breath and noticed he had a look similar to someone that just stepped out of a wind tunnel and I thought that maybe I should slow down and let the poor guy's translator in his head catch up with the influx of words he'd just received. So I just sat there. Awkwardly. In silence. Which seemed to throw him even more. With an uncertain look he replied:

"Uh...ok, so I am not really understanding(un-der-stahnd-eeng) what seems the problem to be but I can try and esplain thees concept and perhaps we see what it is?"

So I sat, and he went through the summations and integrals and definitions and a light-bulb went on about halfway through and I finally understood why the stupid spectral lines were drawn at different values of omega and all that jazz. Not that I truly care. I honestly just want to pass the class so I can graduate and go to medical school. So, stopping him (a terrible habit) mid sentence I started up again "Oh I get it now! Thank you so much, I think I am starting to understand, this makes a lot more sense because it's like a transfer function, kind've like the Laplace stuff we're into now which I totally don't get either, but that's ok...blah blah blah"

Again, his eyes kind've started to glaze, but he must've gotten the main point because the stressed look that had not left his face the entire time suddenly cleared and he gave me this look of gratitude and says"Oh, that is all? We are done?"

"Uh...yes sir. I think that's good for now."

To which he replies, after glancing at the clock, close to gracious tears of joy, "Oh my,, thees ees good, we only take us thirty minutes thees time."

I have become that know, the one no one can stand and people will walk 7 miles through a sewage plant to avoid passing on the side of the road. God be with me. I'm thinking that, pretty soon, He's going to be the only one left who'll put up with me

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