Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Sometimes, swimming pools can be oceans

Today, I was observing a friend lead her junior high kids' youth group. I was nodding off because I am arrogant and didn't feel that some 12 and 13 year old kids were going to tell me anything new about being a Christian that I hadn't heard already

Old guy Leader:     " So name some characteristics of being a Christian"
Obnoxious kid:       " Love! Hahahahahahahahahahhahaaaaahahahajnsdfklbldhahaksjbnfalishaha"
Old guy Leader:      " And what are some characteristics of love? 1st Corinthians 13 type stuff"
Obnoxious kid:       "Awesome crazy super awesome fun love hahahahahaasjajfnalkjfahahalajnf;lajhhahhaaha"
Old guy Leader:     "Come on now, you know them....patient...kind....gentle....?"

Obnoxious kid abruptly sits up, straight as an arrow, his joking manner falls off and he looks straight ahead as if he'd suddenly remembered something important he'd forgotten. As his eyes get bright, and his gaze stays frozen out the window he says in a strong, quiet voice:

"Love never gives up"

No it doesn't kid. Not on you, not on me, not on anyone. He won't let you go, He won't let you down, and you won't ever be able to do anything that makes Him not love and accept you either.

Because despite the fact you're twelve, and no one thinks you are good for much of anything right now, and you're awkward and unsure of yourself, and don't catch all the social nuances that turn awkward idiosyncrasies into smooth, well hidden quirks, and you really want that red headed girl to notice your overblown stories of football heroics, and you have no idea who you are yet or what this is all about.
 And despite the fact that I'm twenty, and unsure of myself, and wonder if I'm catching the social nuances, and hoping people think I'm worth something, and trying to smooth out the awkward personality inconsistencies that make me unique, and really hoping that one guy notices me, and I'm just starting to figure out who I am.

He still loves you, and He still loves me. And we're in it together with Him, and we're going to make it, and we're going to be able to stand together one day, side by side, no masks, no labels, no prejudice, and worship Him in truth. 

Because we're loved with a love that never gives up. 

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