Wednesday, September 18, 2013

A few gems from my week

God is teaching me where I'm at, in this awkward, in-between stage of life after college. I would not have chosen the circumstances I'm in, but I'm learning that His love is as the Psalmist states 'better than life', and His faithful presence as Hosea 6:3-as sure as the dawn. I am so thankful for Jesus. 
However, it all makes me not want to write-I'm discovering how little I know, and the more I see the more I feel foolish talking out of such a lack of understanding. So I just thought I'd put down things that keep bouncing around my head, slowly making their way into my heart.

Me:"...and you know, Father, I just really need discernment, because I'm not sure what giving grace looks like. Can You please show me the line between giving grace and being taken advantage of?"

God: "There isn't one."

If the earth is the size of a grape and sits in the center of the room, the sun is the size of a 4 ft. beach ball and sits a few yards away, Jupiter is the size of a grapefruit and sits 5 blocks away, and the Milky Way Galaxy is still 55 billion miles wide, to scale. And the current estimate on number of galaxies that exist hovers in the hundreds of billions range. And you know the most amazing part? It says God spoke-and all that existed. 'No Matter What, Worship'--Hunter Hall

'Doing good for the sake of good is an atheistic statement, and has no place in the church. Do good for God's sake-do good for the sake of the reward.' --John Piper

"...the essential thing in life is not conquering, but fighting well." --Pierre de Coubertin

"...but God disciplines us for our good, in order that we may share in His holiness." Hebrews 12:10

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