Monday, October 10, 2011

Things I learned from my first all-nighter

1. I never want to do that again

2. Lack of sleep makes everything feel like an out-of-body experience. This includes eating, walking, talking, getting dressed, forgetting to get dressed, drinking, knocking over perfectly stable things because your motor control reverts back to a 4 month old level, ignoring people and letting them think you just didn't hear them to avoid talking to them, doing homework, and eating ice cream from the cafeteria

3. Amount of hours spent not sleeping is directly proportional to number of people that stare at you when you walk in a perfectly normal manner on the sidewalk.

4. All of the sudden, my humor drops to my father's level--bad.

5. People's annoying level is directly proportional to the level of brain function it takes to talk to them.

6. I stare into space. Alot.

7. When I pass people on the sidewalk, I immediately think of how cool I am compared to them because I stayed up all night writing about mesenchymal differentiation and they probably did something dumb, like sleep.

8. I realize things like #7 are just me attempting to make myself feel better about doing something as stupid as stay up all night writing about mesenchymal differentiation (though it is pretty cool)

9. I get extremely emotional and sentimental and really have little control over things I say and do

All in all, this is an experience I am going to try to never again repeat at all costs. Because in addition to many other side effects, it screws up my perspective and makes me say ignorant things like "my life sucks" and "I can't do this" and "I want to die", the last of which is so extremely hyperbolic that hearing myself use it makes me want to die.

:) Kidding

Really though, life is good. And hearing someone observe a trite comment someone made about how God was good because a specific incident had occurred that made them feel good about themselves, (that sentence structure sucks but I don't care enough to change it, just know that I'm aware it is horrible) reminded me of something often overlooked but pretty indicative of a self-centered, entitled mindset that seems to so easily overcome us

God is not good because of our circumstances. Our circumstances are good because God is good. 'Circumstances' being all inclusive and not selective. And until we stop trying to do things God's way because we want the results we think He should bring us, we aren't ever going to get much farther than going back and forth with Him as things happen to us, alternately blaming Him for things that happen and accusing Him of not stepping in when things don't.

Know why life's good? Because it's not about us


  1. Love your synopsys of the all-nighter. especially the part about out-of-body experience. it is so trippy!!

  2. Hahaha it was. Still is. I am waaaaaay out of it. I'm such an old person

  3. can you yell this god is good circumstance stuff from the rooftops? we need to hear this more.

  4. wait. ur old? what am I then?
