Monday, January 7, 2013

Today I had a plan

Which is a pretty failproof way of making sure that nothing in life that day will happen according to that plan.


But, what did happen today, in general, was what was supposed to happen. Kind've. I mean, I was supposed to drive back to school with my sister, get in around 11, be incredibly productive and be ready for school to start tomorrow, and get to spend one more day of break with her.

Well, the school part happened. So did that part where my car battery died in my uncle's driveway at 9:30 am while he was on vacation in the Cayman's and his housemate was at work, and my dad was 350 miles away. And then that part where my sister's truck wouldn't start either....that part happened too. And then that cool little part where we locked ourselves out of the house because I insisted we lock the door...from the inside....without knowing where the spare key was.

 And then, that part where we waited 2 1/2 hours in the driveway until we were starving and ate like savages (With our hands!) the rest of my Mexican food from the previous night (where we ate with real utensils in a building-bliss!) and a random can of mixed nuts Daniele had in my uncle's garage because we got tired of playing "I spy" after an hour. And the climactic part where we found 7 sets of key rings (seriously, who keeps 63 keys in their garage and NONE of them fit the door? Come on) and tried all the keys in the door...only to be disappointed and sit back down in the garage and repeat the eating part. Then that fun part where my uncles roommate calls and tells us to look the one place we didn't, where the key was hidden in plain sight, so we get back into the house and decide that all we should do with our lives for the next hour and a half is eat ice cream and watch Criminal Minds until another uncle could come look at our cars.

And to spare you, I got a new battery put in my car (thanks to my gracious uncle and the time he spent helping us), prayed with my sister, left her (sad) at my uncle's house to wait for her car to be fixed, left to go to school around 4, actually left at five because I refuse to call my dad for directions and got lost twice and had to go back to the house to get directions and finally stopped for directions at a random gas station. Directions that, coincidentally, I so graciously received from all 5 people in the gas station at one time. The scary skinny plumber man with shifty eyes, the outspoken nice black lady who told me "I gon' get you there baby", the kind but confused Hispanic lady behind the counter, the intense Indian owner that wanted me to follow him in my car to wherever he was going (um...I think he meant well, but momma said no following strange Indian men in their car) and the overweight white trucker who was clearly confused as to why everyone was crowded around some weird white girl who couldn't find her way out of a paper bag.

And I found my way all back to school myself. And realized that God's grace had made today go down just like it needed to. And I got back to school safely. And I got to spend most of the day with my sister. And I was content.The end.


  1. I love that God just threw your plans aside and said. "this is what's happening. This is how I want you to spend your day." Yeah, maybe it wasn't the most glamorous or productive, but it seemed interesting for sure.
    I also love that 5 people in the gas station had directions for you, especially the nice black lady with the southern drawl.

    I hope your semester is surprising and exciting, but also filled with rest at the proper times. I know it gets crazy, but God is the best thing.

    Miss you, Alysa, and I'm sorry we didn't get to see each other while you were here. Another time :)

  2. Hahaha it was interesting, among other things :)

    Seriously, they were on me like flies to honey. It was....weird

    Thanks Sam :) We will catch up one of these days, I hope your last semester is your favorite one!

  3. how does samantha know alysabeth and i dont!! and this is a great story.
