Thursday, January 2, 2014

The cure for loneliness

Loneliness is a razor and an oppression.
A permanent companion that is not as much faithful as it is adhesive.
It's a boomerang, throw it as hard as you can, as far as you can, but sooner or later it finds you again.

It's a hard thing in this world, to be seen. It seems we're all flying breakneck blind on the lie that ahead lies rest.

And we kinda just maybe sorta really desperately wanna know someone has our six, right? To be known, be heard, be assured.
That someone is paying attention.

So we send one more text and post one more status and tweet one more time because really, truly, what is it to be alone and know yourself?
And what does it matter if we gain the whole world and no one acknowledges it? What is success without recognition?

Who's recognizing? We say it's a game, but it's really not, this vying for attention. In your heart you know there's nothing playful about the rising panic that seeps in with the realization that you may be visible but you definitely aren't seen. There's no engaging joy that lives in the silence of speaking and being listened to but never heard.
If value is defined by the one who perceives, how much is it worth to be overlooked? What will you do to be remembered?

Psalm 139 begins: ,"Oh Lord, You have searched me and known me..."
Perhaps C.S. Lewis said it best, speaking of heaven in The Great Divorce

"...all famous. They are all known, remembered, recognized by the only Mind that can give perfect judgement."

Never overlooked, never forgotten, perfectly seen, and wholly known, by the only One whose opinion really carries weight on into eternity.
And certainly, in truth, never alone.

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