Sunday, May 29, 2011

We are family

So I just want to say that I probably have the best family in the world.

No seriously, people have KILLED to get a family like mine. Wars have been waged. Throats have been cut. Ok not really but still.

 I have the best 3 siblings under 13 that anyone would ever want. They're cute and becoming sarcastic (I take credit). Plus they're athletic and obnoxious, which is the prime example of being awesome. I have a younger sister under 19 who is basically in my top 3 favorite people in the world and she's 10x cooler than me without trying to be. And I basically want her to live with me forever so we can be cat ladies together. Not really, but a little bit. My mom is like superman except a woman. So she's like supermom or something(superwoman was retarded). She's pulling the role of accountant, teacher, cook, chauffeur, cheerleader, encourager, and much more and she does it looking pretty dang good. Plus she's becoming my bff which is kind of awesome, because if I had her resume I would not be friends with me. No sir. And my dad is like a freaking redneck lump of wisdom. He's where I get the example of hard work I try to follow and I value the wisdom he gives more than anyone else's. If I ever get married, the number one criteria I have is that my husband have a heart for God above all else-because I've seen my dad's honest example and realize the enormous impact that has on my family. They say you marry someone like your dad and most girls groan. I hope to find someone half the man my father is.

They're just kind of phenomenally awesome. And sometimes I look at myself and I'm like "Whoa God, not sure how You stuck them with me." Because I'm like the random black sheep no one wants to talk about because...well...that one's just kind've awkward and funny looking and is missing a few teeth (haha).

I'm blessed. Beyond measure. And God reminded me of that tonight so I thought I'd give a shout out.

1 comment:

  1. Alysa, I love that you have no idea how awesome you are. Just keep keepin' it real. And know that your family is beyond blessed to have YOU, as well. I know. They've told me. :)
