Monday, June 27, 2011

Ay yi yi

This is definitely a post made in frustration that draws too wide a swath to be completely accurate. So maybe I will take it down later because you can't see truth clearly if you're too angry to see. Or maybe God is ok with inaccurate postulations made in haste, because getting things wrong gets us closer to truth.

But I just want to put out there that the lack of real men with backbones, respect, discernment, wisdom, courage, self control and a heart after God is extremely disconcerting and discouraging.

And I am tired of being the only one that draws lines and keeps boundaries and seeks God's heart and guards my purity because you are too much of a damn little boy to man up and take responsibility.

Want to date me? Then be worth dating.

And start doing your job, because I'm tired of doing it for you.


  1. don't back down friend. you are worth the wait and the effort.

  2. Thank you for the encouragement!
