Sunday, July 3, 2011

For $200 you can buy groceries for a week, or you can buy an 8 year old sex slave

I hate being hit up for money.. I really do. I REALLY, really do. Homeless people, church organizations, humanitarian efforts, huge mission corporations, doesn't matter. Most of the time they all just irritate the heck out of me. Maybe because I don't have a ton of money and they remind me of the fact every time they call $20 a small donation, as if I'm a scrooge for not giving what they're equating to pocket change (which is a week's worth of groceries for me thank you very much).
Or maybe it's just because I feel entitled to my money that I work for, entitled to use it as I need to without feeling guilty for not giving to every single hard up case that knocks on my door. After all, I have to help pay for my school, I have to buy food to eat too, I have expenses....right?

Ok so I'm not entitled to anything, especially having been given so much grace and the ability to work and the blessing of having income (sometimes haha). It's ALL God's money, not just the 10% I give on Sunday. But that isn't the point.

The point is that I have a friend who had me look up . And I was like "Ok, I'll look at this site that's probably asking for me to donate the money I would've spent on fireworks tomorrow to some "free-the-fire-breathing-icelandic-lizards" cause or whatever. I'm down. "

So I looked. Read what it was all about. Watched the video. Wondered how accurate it all as. Did a little research. Got physically sick to my stomach at what I found. It's about sex slavery, and if you really want to know or care you'll look it up yourself. But the numbers that made me want to cry were numerous.

Apparently, the age of these girls sold into slavery is generally anywhere from 8-14

And the cost of a night with them is anywhere from $16-$32.

I know that last number range because I looked up a website some assholes made about where to get the best girls in Thailand. These girls are the age of my little sister. No, they're younger than her. And they're repeatedly raped so they can make some pimp money until they're too diseased to make any more income or dead.

And I don't know how to sort all the emotions this brings up in me at the moment. I'm going to have to think and pray and sort for a little bit.

But I am not ok with this.

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