Thursday, October 6, 2011

I've always been kinda curious...

I think I keep writing these small posts because they're ideas that are on my mind but don't have enough time to actually think through and contemplate. So this is becoming a to-do list for when I actually have time to think. Fantastic.

I really wonder to what extent God is involved in our lives. I wonder how much He gets involved. If He's responsible for every small thing that happens, like tripping on the sidewalk Or if it's only the big events He gets involved in, such as barely missing being run over by a semi. Or if maybe He's not really involved in altering or manipulating any events at all.

As Christians we like to attribute things and events that we go through directly to God, good and bad. And we might be totally correct in doing so. I definitely have done it, and do it. I just wonder sometimes how much is God, and how much is us making decisions and natural consequences happening.

How much does God really interfere in our lives?


  1. I like your question. I think it's a great one.

    And I rest in knowing that I might never ever know. ;)

  2. that is a really interesting question. I believe he has the ability to alter or manipulate events.

    As far as day-to-day events. I believe he is present and active but not necessarily always controling and dictating. I also belive that when Paul says in romans 8:28 that "God works all things together for good for those who love him..." it means that whatever does happen, God has a placed a redemptive purpose on it. That does not necessarily mean that God mandated it, but that He has planned it into His master plan. So, I believe God is not responsible for all the things that happen, but he can and does use them to bring himself glory.

    On the other hand, there are times when he obviously intervenes... ie. miracles, stuff like the flood, tower of babel, countless times in the Bible, etc...

    just a couple thoughts....
