Tuesday, October 4, 2011

O chem-part 2

Just in case no one was aware of how often I fail at being the girl in the situation...

*While I'm holding some unknown substance in a test tube*: Ok, so the unknown compound in toulene solvent is miscible. Will you write that down please?
*Lab partner mutters as he takes down data*: Ok, so unknown....incompletely dissolves...got it
Me: Great, thanks. And for color, let's go with pink....did you get that too?
*Lab partner looks at me with slight unimpressed look*
Me: Uh....are you seeing some other color I'm not seeing?
*Lab partner*: Well, I was going to put it down as light pinkish salmon, but you can call it whatever you want I guess...

Oh no. By all means. Light pinkish salmon it is.


  1. Haha!! You are no less of a girl for calling something Pink and not some outrageous color in Martha Stewarts wheel of paint colors.

    Is your lab partner a girl or guy?

  2. Your affirmation is fantastic :)

    Hahaha he's definitely a guy

  3. That's hilarious. and ur by no means less of a girl... unless you picked up rugby as a favorite pass-time.

  4. Wow. He may be more of a girl, haha

  5. I think that was the point of her post. haha (:
