Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Act 3: Organic chemistry homework

This is one reason why I love my lab partner and will never trade him for anything in the world

*Sitting there trying to figure out a particularly complex mechanism for the homework*

Me: "Oh! I got it! Look at slide 47, it's just oxidation of the alkyne by ozone"
Partner: "Oh man, you are so smart. Look at that, it's right there on the powerpoint....this is great....just a little alkyne....add some ozone....bam! That's where it's ass"

*I convulse into laughter as he turns bright red and slowly turns to me with a shocked look on his face*

Partner: "Oh...oh my...I didn't mean....oh my goodness...wow....uh....."

Me between laughing and trying to catch my breath: "Hahaha that's where it's at hahahaha.....no worries, I was just laughing because of your face haha. I thought it was hilarious"

Partner: "I....I am so embarrassed. I have never said that word in my life. Wow."

"I have never said that word in my life". Hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahaha
Well. I am so honored to share this once in a lifetime moment with you :)

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