Saturday, December 3, 2011

I worship for me, you worship for you, in the end we never said anything important at all

Listening to praise music, and thinking of so many people that claim it's all they(can) listen to, and thinking of the subculture that has made it "cool", and considering the popular praise songs that catch in everyone's head, and thinking about the phrase "I just don't like the worship style there", a funny thought occurred to me.

I wonder what would happen if we were only able to sing the praise songs that we truly meant from our heart. If we were made to be truthful in the songs we sang, and only able to utter words we understood to their depth, words that often seem to spill out of our mouths so freely. Almost loosely. What if we could only sing statements that we believed, and give Jesus names that we believe He owns. Healer. Comforter. Righteous. Jealous. Awesome. And so many more that we tell Him in song and don't believe with the rest of us.

I just have to wonder if, maybe, more of us would fall silent. I think we might be surprised.


  1. On the other hand... you might be surprised how many people can still sing.

  2. This topic often comes to mind during worship when a lyric is sang that I don't know the meaning to. I wonder how we can sing something over and over and have no clue what it means. On the same line of thought, how often is it mindless rather than the outpouring of our hearts as if a love song to a redeemer?
