Sunday, January 8, 2012

A list no one cares about but I'm writing anyway

Sometimes, I just want to talk about me. No doubt it's immature and shallow and something that reminds people of middle school girls, but hey, maybe I just never left that stage. Or maybe I just need to remind myself I have things I like to do, and preferences. Because I have to be honest, I hate letting people down, and I'll often pretend I like doing/talking about things I have absolutely no interest in at all.

But, that's probably over-dramatic, right?


Things I like:
Pudding with WAY too much whipped cream
Running when I'm actually in shape
Watching high school baseball games
Reading books and drinking hot chocolate in a big chair when it's raining
Feeding ducks the crust off my sandwich
Watching the sun set over water
Being challenged
Eating dark chocolate
Walking in the rain
Getting my butt kicked by my 8 year old brother in Mario Kart
When my dad kisses the top of my head
Spending a day in the park talking about nothing and everything
Going to eat at a really nice restaurant in shorts and a t-shirt with someone who does the same, and acting like you own the place together anyway. It's like mutual non-fashion bonding.
People who have smile lines
People who are honest
My mom and her cooking
My little sister (who is WAY cooler than me)
Babies who cannot talk (hey, there are some pretty big babies my age)
People who laugh and smile often
Holding hands (but only with the rare person I choose to. Stipulations now, can't be some kind of hand floozie)
Dressing up and feeling like I look nice(on the rare occasion)
Rocking the shorts and sweatshirt combo for the majority of my college career
College sports
Old people that never got old

Things that kinda bother me:
Anyone in middle school
Girls that plan their weddings when they aren't even dating
Hair on the bathroom floor
People that are more anal than me
Being ridiculed for things I am not good at
Being indecisive
Religion trumping relationship
People with something to prove
Being out of shape
Those weird girls who are natural dark brunettes and bleach their hair because they never moved on from the small-town 90's ghetto stage of life
Old people that got old
Legalistic people
Basketball players who think they have to act ghetto in order to be legit
Anyone who thinks they have to act ghetto in order to be legit
People who'd rather follow a rule than understand why they do what they do
Pro sports

This was cathartic. I hope no one bothered to read this all the way through. Because it was somewhat of a ridiculous post. But if you did. Well. You know me a little better.....

nope. Probably not

1 comment:

  1. I like your lists minus the very last item. I think that one bothered me solely because of the MLB;) Love you!
